What You Need to Know About Your Baby’s First Visit to the Pediatrician

Throughout your whole pregnancy, you are supported by your care team which may include your OB/GYN physician, midwife, doula and/or other supportive coaches. Before your first baby visit you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Gonzalez for a prenatal visit to address any questions from lactation to how to put on a diaper. Once your baby is born you will text Dr. Gonzalez directly to let her know about the birth of your baby (photos are appreciated!)
When your little bundle of joy reaches at least a week old, they are due for their very first visit with their pediatrician. A pediatrician is a doctor that specializes in the overall well-being of children. Dr. Gonzalez is a board certified pediatrician and certified integrative medicine physician. If you are a first-time parent – you might be wondering about the things to expect during your baby’s first trip to the pediatrician?
Bringing the Baby Necessities
Your baby’s first visit to the pediatrician is a milestone for your growing family. To make it a smooth, hassle-free one, preparation is key. Pack up all your essential items for the visit which includes extra diapers, pacifiers and bottles if baby is using them, extra change of clothing, wipes, and extra milk if needed. Bring your nursing pillow and pump. Dr. Gonzalez likes to see how your baby latches and teach proper technique on the breast and bottle (if using a bottle at this time).
Bundle Up Your Baby in Comfortable Clothing
As your newborn is still adjusting to their new environment – transitioning from the comforts of their mother’s uterus to the outside world- it is natural for them to feel extra fuzzy and startled if they feel something new, which may occur during their first visit with their pediatrician. This is why it’s important to let them wear something more comfortable and cozy since the pediatrician will most likely conduct a full-body examination. Also bring a spare!
Prepare All Your Baby’s Personal Information
As it is the first visit with your baby’s doctor, please bring the delivery note from the hospital or from your midwife. Any information from the first day of life until birth is important during this first visit.
The Body Movement Check
Dr. Gonzalez will meet you at the clinic door to congratulate you on your new baby, once inside expect her to ask lots of questions and give any advice (if necessary) about ways to keep the baby consistently healthy. She will also seek information about the baby’s feeding pattern, and address any questions on breastfeeding or bottle feeding to keep your child growing and healthy.
After which, she will begin conducting certain movement checks to see if there are any underlying issues that can be pre-empted from escalating:
- Head. Your baby’s pediatrician will check for this during the first two years of the visit, where they will be monitoring the soft fontanel in your baby’s skull, which plays an important role in their brain development.
- Neck and Collarbone. This is one of the very first spots that pediatricians look into as they check for any broken bones in the area which may have occurred during childbirth. It’s a common fracture occurrence for some babies, but one that can heal itself in the course of weeks provided that they are positioned accurately, upon the recommendation of the doctor.
- Hips. The is essential for the baby’s mobility and prevention of dysplasia – an abnormal growth in cells that may cause malformation in the long run. Your baby’s pediatrician will check for this for every visit up to the time that your baby can walk.
- Pulse. During this type of check-up, your pediatrician is after any potential signs of an underlying heart condition, which is why this is being conducted for every visit.
- Reflex. The pediatrician is on the lookout for any signs of neurological problems. They check the way the baby grasps and the way they react when startled. This may done during the first four visits.
- Genitalia. The pediatrician will want to ensure that your baby has normal genitalia and will be on the lookout for any problems that may trigger problems such as urinary tract infection (UTI) or need surgical assistance for incorrect formation such as the testicles for male babies specifically.
Have Your Baby’s First Pediatrician Visit at Blue Monarch Pediatrics
If you are residing in Texas, we at Blue Monarch Pediatrics are happy to see you and your little bundle of joy for your very first medical check-up. We believe that this is one of the most crucial moments in your life as parents and for your little ones as well, and we want to make it worth the while to ensure that they start off in the best possible way. Feel free to head to our website and we’d happy to assist you with any inquiries you may have. We look forward to seeing you and your little bundle of joy soon!